
I am a specialist GSD breeder licensed with the local licensing authority and awarded the highest accolades.
NEWS : I am expecting a beautiful black and gold mixed coat litter towards the end of february 2025.
These will be stunning,chunky, heavy boned pups of beautiful dark colouring like Mum and dad.
Both parents fully health tested with very low hip and elbow scores and clear DM tests,they also have the wonderful temperaments that Conquell dogs are renowned for.
Waiting list is now open.
For more details please phone me for a chat on 07833 630605

Hilary with John ( Kurtridge Cash for Conquell)
My next planned litter will be due at the end of February 2025
if interested in waiting for a top quality puppy please ring me for a chat now.
Hilary 07833 630 605
Generally I do not allow people working full time to have a puppy from me,whilst I fully appreciate people have to work, a home where a dog will be left regularly for long hours is not suitable for any dog, particularly an intelligent breed like the GSD.
To avoid disappointment, please be aware, it is not uncommon for my puppies to be booked immediately at birth, if you wish to go onto the waiting list please contact me by phone or email well in advance of the expected date.
All of my dogs are health tested with scores well below the breed average,they are also tested for DM, they all have exemplary temperaments, for which Conquell dogs are renowned - see comments from delighted owners on the website guest page .
Luxury dog hotel.
Allow your dog to stay in one of just seven superb,spacious dog rooms.
Each has underfloor heating, and its own individual covered patio area.
Set amidst 18 acres of our private fenced paddocks where your dog will be exercised and played with several times a day.
Licensed and fully insured.
facebook The Old dairy Dog Hotel
The place your dog would choose to stay
I am a Specialist breeder of over 40 years experience, moving with the times, breeding only from top quality German bloodlines.
My dogs are my life, I work from home as a dog trainer/behaviourist on our 18 acre smallholding, therefore my own dogs are not shut away in kennels for hours at a time every day,with many breeders this is sadly the case due to work circumstances,this in itself influences the wonderfully calm,even temperaments of our dogs, they suffer no frustration and boredom through being confined in small kennels with little to stimulate their minds and bodies, this ethos has also always influenced where we live, always ensuring we have enough land of our own to free run all of our dogs together on a daily basis.
Partly why I no longer show my German Shepherds is that my dogs find running around a ring boring... they have too good a life at home to be enthused with the show ring, I was told years ago by an eminent breeder/showman that to get my dogs to perform in the ring I must shut them away and restrict their free running, allowing them only lead work ........ this is something I will NOT do, I value my dogs mental well being far too much for that !
I pride myself in breeding from very carefully selected stock with exceptionally sound temperaments, being of correct balanced, unexaggerated construction.My dogs are all hip and elbow x-rayed and scored,all having attained hip scores that are well below the breed average,they are all DNA tested for Degernerative Myelopathy (DM) and our males are tested and clear of haemophilia.
My lines are renowned for producing consistently good hips and the most wonderful temperaments. Several Conquell dogs have gone on to become registered PAT dogs which shows the exemplary temperaments we are consistently producing.

Over the years the amount of returning clients speaks for itself in the confidence people have in our dogs. Please view comments on the guest page.
Short coat & long coat puppies sometimes available for people wanting a top class family pet of breeding you can rely on,BUT I will rarely allow families who all work full time to have a puppy from me,it is simply not fair on any puppy least of all a puppy of such a highly intelligent breed as the GSD,being left alone for many hours can result in behavioural issues due to frustration and boredom.
I pride myself in knowing that the puppies I breed are given the best possible start to their lives whilst here, having been born & reared within our family home,with no expense spared.
Before leaving here, all my puppies have a veterinary health check to ensure that upon going to their new homes they are in the best possible health and condition.
They will have been wormed at 3,5 and 7 weeks, Kennel Club registered, have a four generation pedigree, are micro-chipped, insured and of course come with a very detailed puppy pack which not only covers obvious things such as diet etc but also offers vital advice on training and management to help you enable your puppy to reach its full potential and develop into a dog that you will be proud of.
As a dog trainer of some 45 years experience specialising in dog behaviour I am always available for help, advice & support throughout the life of your CONQUELL dog.

We are not a high flying show kennel,our dogs are important members of our family. To us sound temperaments, construction and breeding dogs that are a pleasure to live with is far more important then show accolades, although, over the years several Conquell dogs have made their mark in the show ring and Conquell breeding has been behind several top winning GSD's, this we view as a bonus.
For the past 45 years our aim has been to breed dogs of consistently high quality, using modern German bloodlines to produce dogs with exemplary temperaments and sound, exaggerated construction, for top class family pets of breeding you can rely on.
You may take a puppy from us to become a member of your family,but they will also always remain part of our CONQUELL family.
We welcome prospective puppy owners to visit to meet our dogs, please ring for an appointment.
Several years ago we have ventured into the world of PUG DOGS,having fallen in love with them some 25 years ago, these charming fun little dogs with HUGE hearts have truly stolen out hearts, they mix happily with the German Shepherds,we are one of the few breeders who carry out extensive health checks before they are bred from.We are enjoying great success in the show ring with these comedians of the dog world, for further information go to www.conquellpugs.co.uk
For those of you wondering ...YES the two breeds all get along famously enjoying lovely walks together, I think the Pugs think they are the size of the German Shepherds !!