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Comments received from past Conquell puppy owners and owners whose dogs have been to Conquell for training. 


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Name: Mrs L Weller Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 20 Feb 2010 22:22:05 GMT

Comment: Hi Hillary, We just wanted to say thankyou for our wonderful gsd shadow, we brought him from you in Berkshire in 2000, he was a puppy from Astra and Zai, we trained him with you too and he was a lovely dog, he sadly passed away recently aged 10, he was beautiful, thankyou - Reading

Name: Sue & Don Bain Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 22 Jan 2010 21:47:46 GMT

Comment: had a conquell dog from niko and babsi litter ( zac) was the best friend great temperment very sadly missed any -one who has or gets a conquell puppy will have year of pleasure with a friend for life. thank you hilary for zac he is hughly missed but he really did mean the world to us. so glad you are back and still breeding .  - Watford Hertfordshire

Name: Jacki Hardy Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 8 Jan 2010 11:48:19 GMT

Comment: Great website, wishing you every success for 2010 and beyond

Name: Marilyn Whalley Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: SURREY UK  Date: 4 Mar 2010 22:06:01 GMT

Comment: I have just returned from 3 days training with Hilary. My GSD bitch of 9 months needed to learn some manners and respect. And she has done so extremely well thanks to Hilary and her superb methods and patience. Sabah will now do follow on, down stay, recall off lead. She is no longer wary of horses,other dogs,cats or chickens, Of course this is just the beginning of a journey, but thanks to Hilary it should be a successful one. Sabah now knows where she should be in our pack. Thank you Hilary.

Name: Mandy Smith Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 9 Mar 2010 14:50:15 GMT

Comment: Dear Hilary. A great big thank you for producing the most fabulous, beautiful loyal and gentle German Shepherd. We bought Beck from you 11 years ago when he was 7 weeks old. I had two young toddlers then and another baby shortly after getting Beck. He has been my childrens guardian watching over them as they have grown. Beck adored his family and was our BFG 'Big Friendly Giant' as the girls called him. Beck sadly died in his sleep yesterday, having been for a walk in the afternoon. I would not consider looking at any other GSD other than a Conquell when I am ready for another puppy. Thank you Hilary

Name: Andrew & Tania Hawkins-Brown Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UK  Date: 25 Mar 2010 09:26:36 GMT

Comment: Molly (Conquell Delta) truly is a robust and intelligent dog, stunning both in looks and temperament. Wherever we go we are always complemented on her behaviour and good nature, we could take all the credit for Molly ourselves but have to thank Hillary for laying firm foundations by providing us with a healthy happy puppy and sound advice on socialising and training.

Name: Sharon Bowen Email:
Welcome Page:
Country: WALES  Date: 30 Mar 2010 06:41:14 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary Love the new websites, both the GSD and Pug sites. Well done Rupert this weekend, best of luck for the future. David & Sharon

Name: llyr lloyd Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 3 Apr 2010 22:26:00 GMT

Comment: Hilary, I would like to express how much we enjoyed our visit yesterday, it was amazing to see each dog 'living the dream' at Penllain Ddu. Especially John, I think he was the star for us, I enjoyed playing with him and more so his amazing obedience to complete strangers. 'A Magnificant Specimen' I am looking forward to the new litter and to see Otra and John's pups enjoying the same life with you. See you soon.

Name: llyr lloyd Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 4 Apr 2010 19:40:01 GMT

Comment: Just a quick message to express how much we enjoyed our visit yesterday, it was amazing to see each dog 'living the dream' at Penllain Ddu. Especially John, I think he was the star for us, I enjoyed playing with him and more so his amazing obedience to complete strangers. 'A Magnificant Specimen'

Name: Jo & Martyn Lovell Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 4 Apr 2010 21:21:57 GMT

Comment: Cant wait for the opportunity to come up and do some training with Boudica. We are both in need of your excellent training. Please can you make her as good as Asher used to be?? Thanks :-)

Name: Jon Purnell Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 11 Apr 2010 19:29:00 GMT

Comment: Just to say after picking up our 2 boys today, Maximus & Herc that Hilary & Tony could not have been more helpful and supportive through the whole process of buying and choosing our pups. We will without doubt be keeping in constant touch with Hilary as the boys grow older asking her for any advice and help that I am sure we will need at times to come. Hilary`s superb attitude and knowledge of german shepherds make us feel very happy & confident that the dogs we have bought have had the very best start in life and we hope we will continue to do that for them. Thanks Hilary & Tony very much.

Name: Mr K Perry Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 12 Apr 2010 16:03:30 GMT

Comment: Just a note of encouragement for anyone looking for help with thier dog,we went to see Hilary Wed 7th April ,we have GSD with fear problems, she has,nt been out of the house for six plus years under advice from other trainers, and this was our last try for her. I think it took four mins for Hilary to remove the muzzle and after a further 15 to 20 mins she was walking with her and had her playing with two of her dogs, Meg has never met any other dogs except our own as she would launch at them in a very aggressive way, we are going back for further training but the difference is incredible, even our vet was shocked so so pleased for Meg, thank you Hilary

Name: Laura & Mark Stewart Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: OXFORDSHIRE. UK  Date: 18 Apr 2010 12:26:41 GMT

Comment: We can't thank you enough for such a wonderful puppy, Riley. (John, Chilly) He is just the best friend! He is so bright and quick to learn, 8 weeks this weekend and has learnt sit, down, paw and fetch! After meeting John & Chilly I know that we are going to have a very trainable & loyal friend in Riley. Hilary & Tony have been very helpful and welcoming throughout the process of choosing him and we will definatly be keeping intouch in the future, and may even come to Wales for a doggie holiday! Highly recommended breeder with wonderfully natured dogs!

Name: audra & gareth Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 18 Apr 2010 21:08:15 GMT

Comment: hello hilary, well it's been a week now since we brought our pup home from you and he has had more visitors than the queen !! he has coped well with the upset in the house this week with the plumber and casper our resident royal is taking to him slowly...he gets slightly grumpy if riley (who i can see is the second riley of the pack)gets to involved as this is his space. He is very photogenic and posing often he is also playing hell with my cats;) he is an absolute delight to have around and i am firmly a nanny now and the boss, gareth is definately the doting surrogate father photo's will follow massive thanks for the happiness your darling creation has brought to our family .love always audra,gareth, rachel,casper(maybe) and riley evans,xxx

Name: Sam Keith and George Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 25 Apr 2010 14:29:47 GMT

Comment: Hi hillary, its been 2 weeks now since we picked up Tilly,she has settled in realy well and she is a very well behaved puppy she can sit, lay down, paw and was well worth the journey from Yorkshire (which she travelled very well and had 2 wee breaks (outside the car) , thankyou for being so welcoming and helpful, and we highly recommend you to anybody that is looking for a German Shepherd, again thankyou very much for our new family member x

Name: Bryan and Suzie Hicks Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 27 Apr 2010 15:01:10 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, We are now into our 3rd week with our new puppy, Conquell Gucci. She has settled in very well, due in no small way to her excellent temperament which she has clearly inherited from her parents, Chilli and John! She is an absolutely wonderful puppy with loads of character and too beautiful for words, thank you so much for all your experience and hard work that made it possible for us to have the privilege of owning Gucci, thank you too for all the time you spent with us!

Name: Sally Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 2 May 2010 07:17:21 GMT

Comment: Sheba and Mishka our 2 GSD's have just returned from yet another holiday with Hilary and her 'gang'; they have come back really fit and looking superb and it is clear that they had a wonderful time. We know that when they are with Hilary they are well looked after with lots and lots of exercise and fun. Many thanks Hilary

Name: Sherry & Jon Hostler Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 10 May 2010 16:48:13 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary & Tony Just a short note to say thank you for our lovely Chilli. She has been with us for three weeks now, and so far has completely changed our lives - in a good way. She is a beautiful girl, very well behaved, and everyone she meets adores her. We would recommend Conquell to anyone who wants a GSD, and when we do go on holiday I'm sure Chilli would love to come for a visit with all her old family and and friends.

Name: Nick Smith Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ANGLESEY, N.WALES  Date: 4 Jul 2010 08:45:13 GMT

Comment: Roxi has been with me for 2 months now,settled in well has excellent temperament which is expected knowing her parents Chilly & John.Growing very quickly into a beautiful looking girl, and She is adored by everyone who meet her. Thanks for all your help at the start which made it possible to own a wonderful puppy.Conquell is highly recommend for GSD's. Will visit as soon as possible & keep in touch with Roxi's family.

Name: Marianne and Tim Email: 
Welcome Page:
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 31 Aug 2010 18:15:28 GMT

Comment: We're the new owners of one of Otra and John's latest and so far we couldn't be happier. Every new puppy owner thinks that they have the brightest, cleverest, most intelligent dog in the world, but so far ours has been a total star, barely putting a paw out of line. He handles every new situation with a chilled attitude, and I can only put this down to the amazing, varied environment he was born into. Thank you so much. Let's just hope he looks like his dad when he grows up! Maz and Tim

Name: ken & jan perry Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 1 Sep 2010 18:29:45 GMT

Comment: just had our pup german shepherd, called her Willow ,she is making herself at home, she is a beautiful dog and a very happy hound, at this moment she is being taught her manners by Meg our other GSD and has made good friends with Alfie our lab, if you are looking to own a well bred dog from a loving home from a serious breeder then please look to Conquel you will not be dissapointed,Hilary is very easy to get on with and will support you with your new pup and for as long as the dog lives, Thanx again for the pup ken & jan

Name: Sherry & Jon Hostler Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 3 Sep 2010 21:02:09 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary Chilli is now 6 months old and we cant imagine our lives without her now. She has a fantastic personality and loves playing with other dogs and being with people. We recently entered her in her first pedigree mixed breed competition and are very proud that she came 4th out of about 20 dogs. We are very proud parents! Thank you for being such a good breeder who really knows her stuff! Chilli is looking forward to seeing you at Christmas. Sherry & Jon.

Name: Scarlet Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UK  Date: 5 Sep 2010 15:45:26 GMT

Comment: Hilary, it was fantastic metting you and the dogs, we were so gobsmacked by the beauty and health of your dogs and their temperements shined through! We are looking forward to buying a Conquell puppy in the near future to add to our pack and feel so lucky to have found you!! I thoroughly recommend a visit to see Hilary, even though her dogs were shedding their coats for Winter you wouldn't of guessed unless Hilary told you as they looked absolutly beautifull we expecially loved fussing Verve and John but they were all amazing dogs. Thank you!

Name: Gareth and Tina Rees Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 8 Sep 2010 08:17:37 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, thank you so much for our beautiful pup Shadow who we brought home on 5/9/10. She is adorable and even at this young age, we can really see how intelligent she is. Thank you for all your help, your knowledge and experience with gsd's is amazing and I really have learnt so much from you. We will definitely call in when we are passing. Shadow is already part of our family, the children and all their friends are totally smitten. Thank you again.

Name: Janford Bower Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UK  Date: 18 Sep 2010 14:08:06 GMT

Comment: Hilary, Thank you for my beautiful dog Tasar, he is our third conquell dog, the first two from you when you were in Berkshire. I am so glad you came back to England and I was able to have another Conquell puppy after the loss of my beautiful dog Troy. It was lovely seeing you and Tony again and all your beautiful dogs. The puppy pack supplied was very useful and has a lot of tips and information. Thank you for the years of pleasure we have had owning Conquell dogs, they are exceptional.

Name: Dr Nanda Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 21 Sep 2010 12:07:14 GMT

Comment: Hilary,thank you for everything. Tristan, John and Otra's son is a wonderful, big, long haired puppy and is settling in quite well now at home. He is naughty as all puppies are expected to be but what I would like to mention here is that how truly efficient you have been in ensuring we got what was promised and the way you have been advising us and holding our hand in this journey of ours. Thank you ever so much. I have already booked another puppy with you from your next litter and have been recommending you to all our friends who want a GSD puppy. God bless and thanks for everything,

Name: sandra and nigel Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: MID WALES  Date: 21 Sep 2010 13:38:18 GMT

Comment: utiful as only a Conquell dog can be .Thankyou Sandra and Nigel

Name: Sandra and Nigel Email:
Welcome Page:
Country: CEREDIGION WALES  Date: 21 Sep 2010 14:13:38 GMT

Comment: Hilary ,Just to let you know that Conquell pup Hana has made herself at home and getting on well with our other GSD Y She is very vocal ,active and naughty but getting to know the rules now ,but beautiful as only a Conquell dog can be . Thankyou again .Sandra and Nigel .XX from Y and Hana

Name: Chris Iddon Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: OXFORDSHIRE, UK  Date: 30 Sep 2010 11:35:51 GMT

Comment: Hil, Tony & Gang, Alice (Conquell Landa), tipped off in May 2009 having reached the great age of 13 years. I honestly thought she was irreplaceable. Over a year later & after some detailed research into other breeds, Tula (Conquell Hada) arrived home. 4 weeks later we are completely smitten! From day one she was un-phased by our 4 Working Cockers, she is bright, quick to learn, inquisitive and occasionally vocal. We love her! Another ambassador for this noble breed, well done all!

Name: Mrs E Alanizi Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: LONDON  Date: 15 Oct 2010 19:12:18 GMT

Comment: Dear Hilary, just writing to thank you for training Darius, our German Shepherd. He has become such a lovely and wonderful puppy. After just one month of training, Darius walks properly now, on and off the leash, he responds to commands such as "wait" and "stay," is no longer wary of cats and other dogs and is far more responsive and receptive to the whole family. Thank you again Hilary, for changing Darius into a loving and obedient dog that we can now be proud of as well as love.

Name: tina robins evans Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: FRANCE  Date: 17 Oct 2010 06:36:15 GMT

Comment: hi Hilary,so pleased to see you are still breeding conquell shepherds,first came to buy my first ever shepherd from you january 1984,a beautiful daughter out of spyrus,i came to your place in lifton and was blown away with all your beautful dogs,elsa was with us in devon for 10 years before she passed away,she was my 3 daughters private nanny,i still have dogs and have since moved to france where i bought a boarding kennels and cattery,but iv never had another shepherd as i felt i would never find another elsa,no other dog in my life have touched my heart like she did,but now i see you still have conquell shepherds that has changed my mind,looks like you will be getting a call from me in the near future!!!!!best regards Tina

Name: sven Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: GERMANY  Date: 28 Oct 2010 08:00:23 GMT

Comment: Ich liebe Deutsch Hirten :)

Name: stewart liming Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 16 Jan 2011 23:05:43 GMT

Comment: hi hilary,i came to you in 1993 looking for a g.s.d. never did i think i would end up with the most loyal,well tempered friend i have ever known conquell vikor (yogi)from baldrick and fizz 13 years together and still miss him so much.thank you both for a wonderful companion i hope soon i can have one of your dogs again and enjoy that friendship noble and proud,loyal to the end a real credit to you as someone who loves and understands the breed.

Name: Karis & Alan Osbaldstone Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: HAMPSHIRE  Date: 17 Jan 2011 10:01:43 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary & Tony it was lovely to see you again on Saturday when we came to pick up our new puppy Bear. He is settling in very well and our girls (aged 5 and 8) adore him! It was great to meet Bear's mum Lisa and uncle John who are just fabulous. We didn't hesitate to contact you again when we were thinking of getting Bear after having Saxon from you back in 2000 (sadly passed away in 2008) who brought us so much happiness. Thank you for our beautiful boys (and for the tea on Saturday).

Name: sam, keith, george Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WEST YORKSHIRE  Date: 17 Jan 2011 16:01:32 GMT

Comment: hi hillary &tony, would just like to thankyou again for our wonderful gsd tillie.( chillie&john puppy ) she is now 11 months old and growing fast what a great temprement she has, the children on our street are always at the gates fussing her.she is so gentle with them.we took her to training classes and she passed with flying colours.dont get me wrong she still has her naughty puppy moments and hates having to come out of the stream.she is water and MUD mad, but still a wonderfull family member thankyou very much

Name: llyr lloyd Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 19 Jan 2011 13:49:46 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, Would just like to say thank you very much for all the support and advice you have given us on our new little (for now) GSD. Celt is doing well, been with us a week and finding his feet already, and getting bigger by the day. Celt  It has been brilliant being able to come and experience the dogs at penllain ddu, and we are thouroughly enjoying our new exciting lives with an amazing animal, which will carry on the conquell characteristics, im sure of it. Thank you... Llyr

Name: llyr lloyd Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 20 Jan 2011 15:51:28 GMT

Comment: Hilary, thank you so much for all your suuport and advice on our new conquell GSD. He is doing well, beginning to find his feet now and becoming bigger every week. He will carry on the conquell characteristics im sure of it. Thank you

Name: Joanne Roper Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 21 Jan 2011 14:49:18 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary Just wanted to let you know that Kane has settled in really well in his new home. We have been out socialising him and everyone comments on how gorgeous he his. We are looking forward to completing his vaccs as he seems eager to get down on the floor and walk and play with all the other dogs. At the moment he is enjoying himself exploring the garden and familiarising himself with his new surroundings.Will send some photos as he grows and look forward to seeing you again. Jo & Dave Roper

Name: Peter & Kerry Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: BUCKINGHAMSHIRE  Date: 22 Jan 2011 15:14:06 GMT

Comment: We are delighted that we came in to contact with Hillary last summer. We are now the proud owners of a GSD puppy. Hillary is clearly passionate about all her animals, a highly recommended breeder with wonderfully natured dogs. Many thanks - will keep you updated on Indie's adventures!

Name: Mr Matthew Briggs Email:
Welcome Page:
Country: WALES  Date: 23 Jan 2011 19:42:56 GMT

Comment: I have just taken home TANGO our lovely German Sheherd puppy, Thanks to Hilary's dedication in providing the perfect companion i am looking forward to a wonderfull life with TANGO. He has come into his home and taken perfectly well with our other dog a Scottish terrior, he has settled into his home instantly. I am sure many challenges will come up in the intitial few months but i am looking forwards to it and cant thank Hilary enough. If a German Shepherd puppy is what you want look no further that Hilary. Thankyou.

Name: Karen Swell Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 23 Jan 2011 21:22:33 GMT

Comment: I have finally found the time to sit down and write about our initial experiences owning our first Conquell puppy. Hilary, you have been so helpful throughout the whole process. We knew when we saw her dogs that we could not go wrong in getting our puppy from you. Our beautiful pup Nyala is now nine weeks old, and although the past 2 weeks have been hard work it has also been a great experience. It is a comfort to know that you are at the end of the phone, should we need advice. When we took her to the vets for her first jab, as well as telling us what a beautiful healthy dog we had, she also said that the Conquell puppy pack was easily the best, most comprehensive she had seen. Thank you so much Hilary not only for Nyala, but also for always having the time to give us advice.

Name: Pascale Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WOKINGHAM  Date: 26 Jan 2011 19:47:14 GMT

Comment: Dear Hilary, Thank you so much for Roxi and Raja. They are the most wonderful puppies.... Rex (11 years, also a Conquell GSD and still going strong and a gentle giant) is still getting used to them, as Roxi is quiet feisty little madam! I think she'll be wearing the trousers!!! All my friends have fallen in love with them. Pascale x. As usual, a job well done Hilary, in breeding such wonderful and gentle temperamented dogs. Everyone comments on their nature and beauty.

Name: Wendy Goodman Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 9 Feb 2011 14:16:46 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary. Just to say how much we are enjoying our beautiful Conquell gsd puppy. After much family debate, we have named him Mika. He is gorgeous, lots of fun and, of course, into everything. Will keep you posted, so far he is as bright as a button and we have to work hard to keep one step ahead of his next move! Best Wishes,

Name: Lynsey & Brian Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: UK  Date: 11 Feb 2011 17:36:58 GMT

Comment: We were recommended Conquell by a friend and now we know why. The dogs were all incredibly friendly and affectionate (I think if Brian could have smuggled John home you may have found yourself short a dog!!). This being the first puppy we will have owned together, the information Hilary provided was fantastic and we are now incredibily excited about the arrival of Otra's puppies later in the year. We left for the long drive home agreeing that we couldn't get a better GSD than a Conquell one!

Name: Jo &Dave Roper Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 9 Mar 2011 15:00:49 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary. Just to let you know how well Kane is doing. He is growing so quickly into such a handsome dog and is such a joy. The tips in the puppy pack regarding the critical stages have been invaluable to us and helped us such a lot in his training so far. He now walks off the lead and will return straight away when called. It's such a joy to see him playing on the fields with the other dogs so well and enjoying himself. Will send you some more photos of our handsome boy again soon. Best Wishes Jo, Dave & family

Name: Mr & Mrs Manteuffel Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES UK  Date: 13 Mar 2011 19:43:08 GMT

Comment: We recently became proud owners to a beautiful GSD.He is adorable!I would have no hesitation in saying; if you want a German Shepherd, this is the place to go.Best wishes and many thanks.

Name: Kevin & Rhian James Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: CYMRU  Date: 17 Mar 2011 16:19:45 GMT

Comment: Hi Hillary, just a short message to say thank you very much for our adorable GSD dog TWM, the kids love him to bits and our schnauzer Pwdin is coming to terms with him!! It's nice to know that you are always on the other side of the phone if we need any advice. Anybody looking for a GSD dog should go and see a conquell dog for they are top quality!! A very happy customer, Thank you!!!

Name: Peter & Sandra Fielding Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND (BERKSHIRE)  Date: 20 Mar 2011 14:32:06 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary and Tony. We got Charlie (son of Baldrick and Ganja) from you when you were at Oakwood Park Kennels in Wokingham. He was a fantastic dog, and we were all very upset to lose him in 2003. We vowed never to get another one EXCEPT if we could trace you, knowing you had gone to live and breed horses in Spain. Sandra gave in to having another one when we discovered you were back and breeding GSD`s in Wales. Maxx is now at home, and whilst he is into everything, he really is a delightful little (getting bigger!!) chap. Thank you so much for your help and advice with both the dogs we have had from you. Their temperaments have been/will be wonderful, and they are great companions.

Name: Chris and Alistair Dunbar Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 23 Mar 2011 19:26:59 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, Not only do we have adorabe Otra , who has babysat our naughty Gordon Setter but we now have Vienna as well. She is a complete fluff ball and everyone loves her and best of all she already has the setter at her command at only 8 weeks.

Name: Colin & Angie Email:
Welcome Page:  /swiz/guest_pop.jsp?lang=en&hid_user_id=211492&hid_page_id=15&hid_su
Country: ENGLAND - KENT  Date: 23 Mar 2011 21:15:25 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary,Hattie has settled in very well, we are enjoying every moment with her, cant believe how quick she is growing, thank you for such a beautiful and wonderful dog, we love her so much, and we would not hesitate in recommending you to anyone wishing to own a GSD, also thankyou for your help and advice.

Name: Nick Smith Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ANGLESEY, N.WALES  Date: 10 Apr 2011 16:02:37 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary & Tony.Having had Jaeger home for over 2 weeks now,he has settling in well alongside his 1 year old sister (Roxi)which was from Chilly & Johns's first litter.He has as expected an excellent temperament and is quickly turning into a good looking chap.It makes life easier when you can pick-up the phone and get advise/help from an expect.I Would allway recommend "Conquel" to anyone looking for a GSD. will allways keep in touch, somewhere for doggy holidays - many thanks for all your help.

Name: Darren Salmon Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: OXFORDSHIRE  Date: 10 Apr 2011 21:08:31 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, a note to say how wonderful my new Conquell pup Hannah is. She has settled in so fantastically well & loves her new surroundings & Harvey (my other GSD)Hannah is a true testament to how great Conquell is. Can't wait to meet up again soon for you to see how beautiful she is! Best Wishes, Darren, Harvey & Hannah xx

Name: Liz Mayer Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: GOOD OLD BLIGHTY  Date: 23 Jul 2011 18:24:58 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, finally got around to signing your guest book! Thank you for the three wonderful GSD's I've had from you over the years. My lovely boy Matu is 4 this year.. his temperament is a credit to your wonderful breeding skills... his looks are second to none. I certainly wouldnt go anywhere else for a GSD. Thank you so very much Liz xxx

Name: Jackie & Bob Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 24 Jul 2011 09:26:43 GMT

Comment: I lost two Gold. Retr. and my GSD all in six months. I got Tess from Hilary in 2000, she loved everything and everybody. I was devastated. I contacted Hilary in February and she has shown me support and kindness, always being there for me these last few months. Hilary kept me informed on Otras & Johns puppies which gave me something to look forward to. I now have a super puppy she is 9 wks old I have had her for two weeks. She settled in straight away, not afraid of anything and full of life. Hilary is not only a Respected Breeder, but she cares. It was a long way to travel but it was worth it to get the BEST. THANK YOU Hilary for my beautiful GSD Tess and now for my beautiful GSD puppy Shadow who truly is my little shadow.

Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 25 Jul 2011 14:41:42 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, I just wanted to say a special thank you for my new Puppy Yo Yo whom I got from you a week ago, from Otra& johns litter. He is the most beautiful Puppy that anybody could ever wish for,, he has setteled in really well, and gets on well with the other two dogs, and I would definately rccomend Hilary to anyone, as this is the third dog that we have had from her, and they have all been perfect, and indeed a real credit to her breeding skills, long may she continue, and thank you very much for my beautiful Yo Yo

Name: dorothy brown Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: SOUTH WALES.  Date: 26 Jul 2011 08:13:34 GMT

Comment: hi hil.George has settled in really well.I didnt sleep his 1st night, George DID.Not even a whimper. and its been the same every night, and only 9 wks old! Otra and John should be very proud. John's gold colouring is coming through George's coat. Thank you Hil for all your help, its invaluable. See you soon. Very best wishes Dotxx

Name: Neil and Jane From Finchampstead Wokingham Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 11 Aug 2011 19:30:56 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary and Tony We were so sad when we lost Tara at 10 years 6 months in March this year who was an excellent example of a Conquell GSD both in looks and temperament we really couldn't have asked for more. By chance we discovered you were back from Spain and breeding GSDs in Wales and were delighted to hear Tara's niece Otra was hopefully going to have a litter in May. Kira is 12 weeks old today and we have had her four weeks this Saturday. As you said she is mischievous but very lovely with it and has made lots of friends both human and doggies. She is eating and sleeping well and is becoming a very pretty girl. Thanks for everything Hilary and the journey was definitely worth it - we will keep you updated and let you know how Kira copes with the move on 22 August! We will email you with a picture taken today. Kind regards Neil and Jane Mackinnon

Name: Amy Walpole Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 30 Aug 2011 22:23:26 GMT

Comment: I want to thank you and Tony for the wonderful care you take of my 2 girls whenever I go on holiday.they are both ex-rescue dogs and Sal(lab x boxer) is very prone to anxiety and terrified of being abandoned. the first time I left them I was so anxious.Sal stops eating when upset, and can fall to 'skin and bone' within a few days. I have left her with Hilary and Tony for as long as 3 weeks and she comes back glossy and happy every time. We'll certainly be back again next year.

Name: ken & jan perry Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 1 Sep 2011 18:44:48 GMT

Comment: thanx for Willow(John&Otra2010) she is a lovely gsd and thank you for the training ,as we all know lead walking can be very frustrating so we called Hilary and arranged to go for training, it was good and now we have a working plan and it is working well (without halty).I would recommend anyone who is having problems with their dogs to contact Hilary, she is easy to get on with and knows what she is doing, again thank you ,we will be down again when we reach the next problem ! 

Name: Sophia Wilson Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 30 Nov 2011 20:20:39 GMT

Comment: =Took my boxer for behaviour assessment. Had in-depth consultation, followed by outdoor work. Very positive, excellent, a lot achieved, looking forward to my next session.

Name: Pam Jordan Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 26 Jan 2012 17:29:09 GMT

Comment: We collected one of Hilary's beautiful puppies yesterday (ex John/Chilly) - a short coated girl we have named Pashca in honour of our old girl Nell, aka Kurtridge Pascha. It took us a long time to find you Hilary but are convinced our new best friend will be a fitting replacement. You clearly aim for soundness and temperament and these are just the qualities we were looking for. They're not always easy to find these days but Conquell GSDs have those attributes in spades. Thank you.

Name: Karl and Justine Jarvis Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 28 Jan 2012 14:14:45 GMT

Comment: Hilary, thank you so much for another beautiful puppy. We have had 3 dogs from you to date and we wouldn't consider going anywhere else. You are a credit to the breed with each of our dogs having the most beautiful temperament, not to mention being stunningly handsome! We are over the moon with our new addition to the family. He has settled in beautifully and we often find him snuggled up to our other shepherd, Ned. Thanks again. We will keep in touch and send you some pics.

Name: Mandy and Carl Roberts Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 2 Feb 2012 19:22:36 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, just to let you know we are delighted with our gorgeous pup 'Gage'. He has been as 'good as gold' . He has settled in really quickly and already struts around with confidence. He's playful, adorable and so clever! We would like to thank you for your guidance and help particularly the information and puppy pack you have given us which is invaluable and the fact you are at the end of the phone if we need you.

Name: Miss L J Jones Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 24 Mar 2012 22:18:47 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, I just wanted to say how blown away I was with what you have done with my Cardigan Corgi so far, in just 11 days!! You truly are brilliant and clearly understand dogs- it was like seeing a different dog, one who now appears to have some manners and respect :-) The lesson I had with you was a great help too and I'm looking forward to the next one. Thank you for looking after my boy, I think he thinks you're amazing too!!! :-)

Name: L J Jones Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 25 Mar 2012 16:37:53 GMT

Comment: Hi Hillary, just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU for all you have done with my Cardigan Corgi so far. I am in awe of you and the progress that you had made in just 11 days! Your knowledge and experience of dog ownership/ leadership and their psychology clearly shows in the positive outcome to date in my boy! I'm looking forward to my next lesson with my boy, who I am sure thinks you are amazing too! :-) Thank you so very much!

Name: Max & Lucy (Tucker) Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: UK  Date: 16 Apr 2012 08:59:40 GMT

Comment: Hilary, Just a quick post to say thank you so much for our gorgeous GSD boy! He has been in his new home for only a few days and already very well behaved. We can't wait to watch him grow up and we'll keep you posted on his progress. Thanks again for all the support and advice throughout our decision to purchase Henry.

Name: Diane Pashley Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UNITED KINGDOM  Date: 17 Apr 2012 12:57:49 GMT

Comment: We picked up our beautiful Conquell puppy in January ( John and Chilly ) It has taken this long to post because we have been so busy spoiling our new long coated shepherd. Having only lost our previous Conquell bitch last year we have been rather over indulgent with our new addition. Help was at hand and we took Buffy back to Hilary for some training ( although it was us that needed the training )Hilary managed to undo all the bad habits we had not only allowed, but endorsed. An amazing puppy.

Name: Roy and Jean Newman. Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: SOUTH DEVON. ENGLAND  Date: 23 Apr 2012 11:49:40 GMT

Comment: Our thanks to Hilary for letting us have "Tiggi", a long coat bitch who came to us at 8 weeks from Chilly and John. She is 20 weeks old this weekend. Typically at this age she has legs a bit too long, a head a touch too small, with ears a little large, she is the ugly duckling that will grow into a beautiful shepherd, having said that, she is very pretty. She has a strong character, at the moment nothing worries her, she is interested in everything... Continued in the following box.

Name: Roy. Jean. Newman. Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: SOUTH DEVON. ENGLAND.  Date: 23 Apr 2012 15:07:08 GMT

Comment: Continued...  For socialising / training we go to clubs in Honiton & Bristol. Onwards from 8 weeks we took Tiggi in a rucksack type bag that you wear back to front, to Tesco, when she got too heavy, I carried her into the entrance & sat with her on my lap for more fuss & attention. She is eating well & enjoying her short walks, today in heavy rain, she loved it, such a happy bitch.

Name: sue page Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 3 May 2012 16:39:14 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, It is 3 weeks today that Merry came to live with us.She has settled in so well & is absolutely adorable.She is obedient most of the time.I have started her training,we start training school proper on May 23rd.Thank you so much for letting me have my fabulous girl.

Name: dave and julie aust Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 7 Jun 2012 13:07:10 GMT

Comment: It has been six months since we picked up Paddy and he has turned out to be very laid back aand a joy to own. A few weeks after we got Paddy it was another drive to Wales to rehome Nayala which we tweaked to Nyla who is nearly two now. Both get on great together and are the best of friends. We would like to thank Hilary for two great dogs who have fantastic characters.

Name: Gareth and Tina Rees Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 25 Jun 2012 13:25:00 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, just to let you know that our beautiful GSD Shadow continues to bring so much joy to our lives. She is so loyal and is now such a huge part of our family. She accompanies us everywhere and when we go down our caravan, everyone knows her on the site. We can't believe she is nearly 2. We are definitely going to have another pup from you! We will call over during the summer again to visit. It was so lovely to see you last time. Your continued support is so appreciated.

Name: Karis Osbaldstone Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: HAMPSHIRE  Date: 30 Jun 2012 15:20:05 GMT

Comment: Thank you so much for sorting out Bear's dominant behaviour and giving us our lovely happy well behaved boy back. Although we missed him when he was with you it was a really pleasure to see him being so obediant with you

Name: Karis Osbaldstone Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: HAMPSHIRE  Date: 30 Jun 2012 15:20:05 GMT

Comment: Thank you so much for sorting out Bear's dominant behaviour and giving us our lovely happy well behaved boy back. Although we missed him when he was with you it was a really pleasure to see him being so obediant with you

Name: Karis Osbaldstone Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: HAMPSHIRE  Date: 30 Jun 2012 15:24:41 GMT

Comment: cont.. when you were working him in the paddock. He is much calmer now and the constant barking has stopped. He is fantastic on walks and is enjoying the freedom of being off lead at last. You really are a remarkable lady whom I have great admiration and respect for. It was lovely as always to visit the farm and see all the other shepherds, pugs, cats and horses and Holly and Aimee loved it when Tony took them over to see your foal. Thank you once again for everything you have done for Bear xx

Name: Pauline Baines Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UK  Date: 1 Aug 2012 11:55:21 GMT

Comment: Sadly, our beloved GSD (Shadow) died 2 years ago and it has taken us this long to decide to get another dog. Can you please let me know if you have any puppies in the near future as we can offer a wonderful, forever home to any one of your dogs. My last dog was of the Kurtridge strain and I see your dogs come with the same brilliant personality. Hope you can help us.

Name: Christina Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:  CORNWALL  Date: 9 Sep 2012 22:05:09 GMT

Comment: A big thank you hilary for our amazing gsd Caesar from willow and vito. Even at 8 weeks he is practically bomb prof, absolutely nothing scares him even two small children banging around. Thank you for all for advice from the start and even giving more advice on my other dog. Also is so nice to be able to see all the other dogs, and i especially liked meeting all them cheeky little pugs, that's my next one and I'll be coming back. Thank you for everything :)

Name: keith puckey Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 14 Sep 2012 16:25:01 GMT

Comment: Just a line to let you know that Oscar has matured well and is a credit to his breed and breeder. Hope both you and Tony are well.

Name: Mike & Trish Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 18 Sep 2012 10:32:18 GMT

Comment: Just wanted to say a big thank you for all your help and advice. Puppy Mitch (from Willow) has settled in brilliantly. He has a lovely relaxed temperament and getting on very well with his 7month old brother. Best wishes Mike & Trish

Name: Jan & ken perry Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 28 Sep 2012 09:07:45 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary and Tony, Its been 3 weeks since we picked up asher. He has settled in really well with our other dogs, he handles every situation with a chilled attitude. Asher is our second GSD from Hilary, their temperments are a credit to her breeding skills. Hilary is very helpful and supportive and we wouldn't go anywhere else for a GSD. We would like to thank you for our two beatiful conquell GSD's. see you soon Ken & Jan

Name: Jeffrey Keith Morton Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 4 Oct 2012 18:30:00 GMT

Comment: we have recently had a GSD from Hilary and what a pleasure it was right from the start. We feel we have not only gained a wonderful pup by are now part of an extended family. It is obvious that Hilary takes a great deal of pride in her dogs and her years of experience and expertise means we can always rely on her for advice and support. Once again a great big thank you for producing the most fabulous dog, Dax and even in the short time hes been with us is now a huge part of our family.

Name: Alan & Julia Hopley Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 29 Nov 2012 10:59:21 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, quick note to say a big thank you for our wonderful little guy, Alfonso (Willow and Vito). He's settled in brilliantly, has a wonderful character and a lovely temperament - absolutely nothing fazes him! Can't recommend Hilary highly enough, wealth of knowledge on the breed and great support before and after purchase. Will definitely be back in the future for a little brother or sister... All the best, Alan & Julia.

Name: Colin Hill Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 22 Jan 2013 13:29:46 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary I have to inform you that I had to have Salsa put to sleep recently a very unpleasant duty but what a super dog, she was in her 15th year so I was very fortunate really she was a great companion with loads of character very sociable and loved by all that new her.She is greatly missed. Thank you for providing her for me. All the Best, Colin.

Name: Sally Smedley Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES AND SPAIN  Date: 31 Jan 2013 09:05:01 GMT

Comment: My 2 GSDs Sheba and Mishka have just returned from Hil's health farm after one of their regular holidays there. As ever they have come home very relaxed and happy, and they look stunning! Thanks Hil for looking after them so well.

Welcome Page: 
Country: UK  Date: 10 Feb 2013 11:26:00 GMT

Comment: Hi hillary well we got Harry home, with no problems. I would like to compliment you on your whole approach to our aquiring Him, it was lovely dealing with a thorough professional. we will keep you updated on his progress.

Name: gordon chrystie Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UNITED KINGDOM  Date: 11 Feb 2013 16:06:38 GMT

Comment: Having had dogs all our married life, and a german shepard for the last 7, we decided to get Ronnie our current boy a Brother, while looking we came across so many dodgy characters it became apparent that it is easy in this day and age to get a Farmed dog... How refreshing it was to come across Hilary....a real professional who genuinely loves her Dogs and cares about them and the pups she breeds. I would suggest you try others because then you will realise just how far ahead Hilary is. Or you can just save a lot of time and go straight to the best straight away..... Hilary is the best, end of story and we look forward to our visit from her to our home next time she is in essex.

Name: Mandy Richards Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 12 Feb 2013 12:54:40 GMT

Comment: Hi Hillary, we just wanted to say a big thank you for our beautiful Shepherd, Tia, the second one we have had from you after loosing our Precious Xenta. She coped really well with the four and half hour journey home and has settled in very quickly, she already become part of our family. She is already learning comands.We just wanted to say thank you for all your good advise and support, we wouldn't buy a Shepherd from any one else. We will keep in touch. Take care and thank you again. Mandy & Andy Richards xx

Name: gordon chrystie Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UNITED KINGDOM  Date: 12 Feb 2013 20:46:29 GMT

Comment: Hilary is a true professional who genuinely loves her dogs, and it shows in what quality Pups are produced in her care.......

Name: Fiona Williams Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 20 Mar 2013 13:22:33 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, I was so delighted to find out you were back in the UK. My family had three wonderful dogs from you in Berkshire, they all had the most fantastic temperaments and our beloved Elsa grew up with my son and was inseparable from him. I could not recommend a Conquell German Shepherd more highly to anyone looking for a puppy and very much hope to have another of my own very soon!

Name: Peter & Kerry Wright Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UK  Date: 24 Mar 2013 07:51:44 GMT

Comment: Hi Hillary, Thanks again for the wonderful Teddy, he has settled into the house really quickly. He is already showing the other two dogs who is boss. He has a great manner and personality which is a credit to you in how he has developed as a puppy. Thanks again, we wouldn't go anywhere else!

Name: Darrall Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 18 Apr 2013 22:56:08 GMT

Comment: Me and my family had a conquell boy over 14years ago he sadly passed now but we could never of asked for a more perfect family member both in health and temperament he was amazing so was the advice and after care from Hilary just put our name down for another amazing conquell puppy and can't wait :)

Name: Gwyn & Jordan Parker-Price Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 21 Apr 2013 13:47:42 GMT

Comment: Thank you Hilary for an amazing puppy! You were so helpful & knowledgeable about your GSDs. Rosie is showing her true character (even if she is lippy) and we are so excited for what she will become. If she is anything like her mum she will be an amazing dog, as I am sure she will be!

Name: Nigel, Yvonne & Danielle Whiteley Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 23 Apr 2013 08:14:18 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, a very big thank you for all the time given to us on our visits to you and your dogs. We have now had Odin nearly 2 weeks and he is already starting to learn some commands. Your experience and knowledge which you have so kindly shared with us is becoming invaluable. A true professional in what you do & we would recommend anyone interested in a German Shepherd to contact you!! We will be keeping in touch. Thank you.

Name: Sally Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES AND SPAIN  Date: 24 May 2013 18:14:58 GMT

Comment: My 2 GSD bitches have just returned from their latest holiday of 4 weeks with Hil. They are in superb condition, coats gleaming, perfect weight, and very relaxed. Thanks Hil x

Name: Lee and Anne Withey Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: BROMSGROVE WORCS  Date: 30 May 2013 09:25:35 GMT

Comment: We have had Hollie now for five weeks and she is settling in very well. She is very quick at learning, and very loving. Her favourite place to have a snooze is on the marble fire place, which won't be for much longer with the way she is growing! She is extremely sociable and loves going out and about meeting people and other dogs. In the last few days we have been letting her off lead during our walks in the fields and she is behaving really well, coming straight back as soon as we call her. We couldn't be more pleased with our beautiful new addition to the family, and look forward to seeing Hilary and Tony in the future. Thanks also for the help and advice.

Name: susan Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 5 Jun 2013 19:43:59 GMT

Comment: Fabulous dogs bred by caring breeder

Name: Jo Lovell Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 7 Jun 2013 13:01:06 GMT

Comment: Having had dogs from Hilary for over 18 years, I cannot recommend her highly enough. Not only does she consistently produce quality dogs with outstanding temperaments, she has the knowledge to support me through any issues that arise during the life of my dogs.

Name: Mrs L O'Connor Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 16 Jun 2013 10:12:52 GMT

Comment: Thirteen and a half years ago a puppy was born from father kalbeshan Simba and mother Bravo Babe, we named this puppy Archie and every single day he made us smile and changed our lifes. Reading past comments and from having the pleasure of sharing the life of one of Conquell dogs we have to congratulate you on the beautiful souls you enrich peoples’ lives with. Archie was a brother, a friend and the heart of our family. He was sadly put to rest on 11.06.2013 a great age and a great....the best dog! (1 month prior to his death the vet said that he was in perfect health and could not believe he was over 13 years of age). Thankyou so much x x

Name: Christine & Mogens Tolbod Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 6 Aug 2013 17:15:09 GMT

Comment: Sadly last year within 6 months we lost our 2 beautiful shepherds leaving a huge gap in our family so we contacted Hilary for new additions. A year ago we brought home Tanga & a month ago she was joined by Hugo. Both spent time with Hilary for early schooling before we picked them up & they are delightful. Hugo, a big fluffy teddy is already losing his baby fur and hopefully soon his baby teeth! Conquell dogs are really very special-beautiful with fantastic personalities that bring such pleasure

Name: Sam and Linda Ashfield Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES, UK  Date: 6 Nov 2013 14:51:41 GMT

Comment: We put a huge amount of effort into researching the best breeder when we decided we wanted a German Shepherd puppy, we made a short list and our final choice was Conquell. We are absolutely delighted and feel 100% certain that we made the best choice. Hillary and Tony have been a great support all the way through the choosing and purchasing process, Hillary's knowledge has been a huge and constant support to us. We now have our wonderful puppy called Bonzo, and he's everything we wished for !

Name: Jo & Dave Roper Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 12 Nov 2013 11:55:47 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary. Thanks for our wonderful new pup Ziva, we are thrilled with her. Just like Kane she has a fantastic temperament, is very confident and is settling in to her new home really well with Kane. I think he can look out as she gets older and bigger!! Will e mail you some photos of them both. Thanks again for another fabulous German Shepherd.

Name: susan reed Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UK  Date: 2 Dec 2013 06:18:19 GMT

Comment: hi Hilary, I would just like to say thank you to both you and Tony for my wonderful GSD puppy 'Conquell Seren' aka 'Saffie'. She is a delight and thanks to your wonderful understanding of the breed and your super breeding programme I am sure I have the well balanced dog I have always wanted. She is extremely bright and responsive and a pleasure to own. Thank you once again.

Name: susan reed Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 4 Dec 2013 18:27:11 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, Just had to thank you for my wonderful pup Conquell Seren aka Saffie. She is extremely responsive with a wonderful calm, friendly temperament which is 100% down to your experience in your breeding programme. I am absolutely thrilled with her. Thank you once again. Susan Reed, Swansea

Name: ann arundel Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 24 Feb 2014 15:30:31 GMT

Comment: My beautiful Simon was 1 last Friday. What a boy he is!! Tough as old boots and so handsome. Clever too. Plays hoopla with his rubber rings, can put a golf ball in an egg cup and is learning to draw a picture and play the xylophone. Loves his walks on the beach and swims in the summer. We go to 2 training classes a week and he is top of his class although a bit weak on his waits as he doesn't want to be too far from his mum! We'll get there in time though. Will bring him to see you again one day Hilary.

Name: susan reed Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 23 Mar 2014 19:53:14 GMT

Comment: Thank you for taking the time to advise me on spaying Saffie. I have taken your advice and decided to wait until she is at least 18 months old and has had two seasons. Once again I cannot express how pleased I am with Saffie. She is 110% fantastic, fabulous temperament, beautiful character, sweet and intelligent. Thank you for allowing me to have her, I feel blessed!

Name: Peter Email:
Welcome Page:
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 24 Apr 2014 17:26:35 GMT

Comment: Hi Hillary, Just to keep you up to date. Chilli is fine, put on a bit of weight over the winter, but is getting back in shape. She and Bertie ( the Cat) are the best of friends and our grandaughter and Chilli get on wonderfully, playing together. Best wishes, Peter and Chilli, and Lily and Bertie and all the Badgers....

Name: Jayne & Alan Roper Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 24 Apr 2014 18:29:58 GMT

Comment: Bruno came to us as a 2 year old Boxer shortly after we lost Tia and as a new play mate / companion for our other Boxer - Meg. He lived in a rural area and, as such, had had no socialisation with other dogs or people. Whilst he wasn't neglected by any means, there were areas in addition to his lack of social skills that needed addressing. My brother who has 2 GSD from Hilary suggested that we contact Hilary which we did. Continued on Part 2

Name: Jayne & Alan Roper Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES (PART 2)  Date: 24 Apr 2014 18:34:37 GMT

Comment: After 3 weeks with Hilary and a couple of one-to-one lessons, Bruno is a much better dog. His recall has improved - we still have the odd time when he doesn't hear us and he has to be watched with other dogs but compared to what he was like 3 months ago when we first got him, he is a totally different dog, a joy to have. I can't recommend Hilary for dog training highly enough - many thanks Hilary. I'll be honest, there was the odd occasion when i couldn't see us keeping Bruno.

Name: Colin and Jackie Foster Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: READING BERKSHIRE  Date: 27 Apr 2014 20:17:17 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary Thank you so much letting us a lovely gsd called Lily she is lively, bouncy and all round perfect .we have only had her 3weeks but it seems that we have had her forever as she has become part of our family so quickly . We would truly recommend you as an excellent breeder who knows everything there is to know about gsd. We will certainly come to you for another puppy in a year or two to complete our family.

Name: Justin Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: SOUTH WALES  Date: 2 Jun 2014 20:31:57 GMT

Comment: We've had GSD in the family for over 25 years but Neo, our new male puppy, was the first we've had from Hilary. I can honestly say that in future years Hilary will always be our first choice for new pups. Extremely knowledgeable, friendly and helpful she obviously knows the breed inside out. Nothing was too much trouble. Considering thought has gone into the puppy pack that comes with your new pup that has info for novices and those with experience of the breed. I can highly recommend Hilary

Name: Justin & Carla Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: S.WALES  Date: 9 Jun 2014 10:33:54 GMT

Comment: We picked our GSD puppy, Neo, up from Hilary on the 1st June so he's been with us for a week and he's settled in very well. Hilary obviously knows the GSD breed inside out and was very helpful, friendly and approchable during our visits. It's a testement to the temprement of the dogs Hilary breeds that we were able to visit and handle the pups at just 2 weeks of age, with nothing but licks and affection from the pups mother (Willow). Highly recommend Hilary to anyone looking for a GSD

Name: j&k perry Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 29 Jun 2014 08:19:29 GMT

Comment: we have our new puppy Bracken at home and she has settled in very well(we have the mother Willow which helps)she is easy to train and has a good temperament this is the third GSD we have had off of Hilary(Willow, Asher, and now Bracken) all have a nice gentle nature and have been willing to be trained, I would recommend Hilary to anyone thinking of a GSD as she also backs up the pups with life long help including taking the dogs back if something goes badly wrong in your life, advice and even training if required

Name: Mark & Lesley Simpson Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: READING BERKSHIRE  Date: 10 Sep 2014 16:01:52 GMT

Comment: We've had our new puppy Stella from chrissy for 3 weeks now this is our 2nd pup from Hilary as our big boy max passed 18 months ago he was one of hugo's and such a brilliant dog that's why we decided to have another shepherd from Hilary so confident in Hilary's breeding of shepherds that we didn't even need to see Stella as we were assured that it would be another winner, Hilary is the most passionate breeder we've used someone who really care's for this beautiful breed.

Name: Christian Email:
Welcome Page:
Country: GERMANY  Date: 17 Jan 2015 09:51:06 GMT

Comment: Dear Ms Linnett, I've just visited your website - very interesting and good information about your lovely German Shepherds. The pictures are lovely and all your dogs look great! You have a really nice and lovely homepage about your German Shepherds! I wish you for the future of your German Shepherd kennel a lot of fun, breeding success, lovely and healthy puppies! Best wishes Christian German Shepherds make you happy!

Name: Lucy and Lyn Evans Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 8 Apr 2015 15:06:25 GMT

Comment: Thank you so much for our adorable little fluffball Gelly. we've only had him 2 nights and already our lives are richer. People can't believe how incredibly laid back and chilled out he is. Superb service off Hilary; it' so comforting to know she is always there at the end of a phone with advice for newbie parents like us. We left with the utmost confidence knowing we had just made one of the best decisions and investments of our lives.

Name: June Fillingham Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: HERTS. UNITED KINGDOM   Date: 10 Apr 2015 15:23:42 GMT

Comment: I picked my puppy 'Teddy' last week. What a wonderful little boy he is . At just 7 weeks old he has not soiled his cage. He is a confident,bright,happy and beautiful puppy. Hilary you have done such amazing job with the whole litter. Thank you so much. Xx

Name: Helen Emerson Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES, UK  Date: 13 Apr 2015 14:55:49 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary & Tony, We have had our beautiful German Shepherd Darcey for just over a week and it's as if she has alwyas been here. She has settled so well and is perfectly well behaved - we are absolutely delighted with her. You did a fantatsic job of rearing such a well adjusted and loving little girl. We are really enjoying training her and playing with her - she just takes everything in her stride. We cannot believe that we have not had to work on her toilet training at all,having been reared in such a clean environment in your home so obviously paid off - she is so very intelligent! We will keep you posted with her ongoing journey. Thanks so much for bringing joy back into our home. Helen & Ceri, Llantwit Major, Vale of Glamorgan

Name: Janet Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: SHEFFIELD SOUTH YORKSHIRE  Date: 14 Jul 2015 15:16:09 GMT

Comment: We picked up our gorgeous puppy from Hilary in April. Hilary and Tony were both very welcoming and it was lovely to meet all the gang. Fynn is absolutely wonderful with such a lovely temperament. We love him to bits. He has just passed his Bronze Good Citizen at training. Thank you Hilary for making us smile again xx

Name: Catherine Cottrell Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 14 Aug 2015 17:03:45 GMT

Comment: Picked up my 4th Conquell shepherd - Vanek. I am so thrilled with her already she is so gentle and well behaved. She is settling in well with Jai my 5 year old. Thank you Hilary for letting me home her.

Name: Radford Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 18 Aug 2015 09:04:35 GMT

Comment: We knew we wanted to purchase our GSD from Hilary before we had even met her or the dogs, just from reading her website and talking to her on the phone. What is important to her and Tony is the health and sound temperament of her dogs and that is was also our top priorites, as we have two young boys. When we met the 'family' they were all such beautiful, calm dogs and we got Stitch (daughter of Vanek and Edmond).She is such a beautiful girl, with a lovely personality. Hilary is excellent and always there for any advice that I have needed.She genuinely loves her dogs and wants the best for them. We booked a training lesson for Stitch yesterday with Hilary and it was excellent. Thank you Hilary and Tony! Anyone thinking of purchasing a GSD or Pug Hilary is your lady :-) :-) Caring, knowledgeable and very genuine

Name: Mrs. Irene Harvey Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 2 Sep 2015 15:55:41 GMT

Comment: Just to say how pleased I am with Inca. She's the most adorable wee lass and has quickly settled into our chaotic household and made friends with Meg and Jake, my 2 collies (the cats are still thinking about it!!). She plays endlessly with Meg (Jake's quite old, but he does join in) and she's such an affectionate, well-behaved girl. A lot of her good points have rubbed off on Meg, which can only be a good thing. I love her to bits!!

Name: Lyn Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: SOUTH WALES  Date: 6 Sep 2015 21:30:51 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, We have had Gelly for 5 months now. I could write an essay. He is an absolute head turner, we get so many comments. He is healthy, intelligent and so so well behaved. He is chilled and so very obedient. Hilary, you have also given us so much help and advice, not only when we collected him, but subsequently via email and when we brought Gelly back to you for his holidays. EVERYTHING you have advised us we have followed and we have seen the results. I cannot say enough and I know you are just an email away for any questions. We had absolutely no hesitation choosing to purchase a German Shepard off you, your web site is comprehensive, talking to you on the phone prior to visiting and the subsequent puppy choosing visit was fantastic. BTW, we are still not sure who choose who !!!! I can highly recommend you to anyone reading this you truly do know your stuff. Huge thanks and my total respect

Name: Lisa & simon Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 9 Nov 2015 16:28:18 GMT

Comment: After getting out first GSD from Hilary we wanted to share our experience with you all. from the first time I spoke to Hilary until we picked up our puppy Hilary was fantastic. Loads of information given...and we also knew if we had any problems we could contact her any time. she is a fantastic breeder and makes sure you leave with all the knowledge you need for your new fur baby.we will definitely be keeping in touch.

Name: Julia Fordogtrainers Email:
Welcome Page:
Country: UK  Date: 28 Dec 2015 14:55:31 GMT

Comment: Hello! Thank you for your great work and useful information on your site! We like photos of your dogs!

Name: Mick Brooker Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UK  Date: 23 Feb 2016 20:04:12 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, We just wanted to say a big thank you for our second GSD "Brodrick", like our first GSD "Zaf" he was a fantastic friend and a massive part of our family. A credit to you and his breed. Sadly he passed away recently and although we will never forget what he brought to our family, our home and lives will never be the same again until another Conquell Shepherd is part of it. Therefore would you please place us on your next available list for puppies.

Name: Annmarie & Alan Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 3 Jun 2016 15:00:14 GMT

Comment: A HUGE thank you to Hillary for the fantastic work she did with our Belgian shepherd Lulu. She exceeded our expectations & we would recommend highly. Her training skills are second to none. A genuine dog person, with bounds of enthusiasm that extend to her family including her lovely son Tom. We traveled from Brighton, 6 hours, but worth every minute!! We now have the dog we always wanted... Very happy!! ??

Name: Pauline Barry Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND   Date: 19 Feb 2018 20:06:15 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary I just wanted to thank you so much for having Millie for training over the last few weeks the difference is fantastic. The dog is happier and so are we. She now accepts her place in the family and this makes a huge difference. Millie is the second dog we have had from Hilary and Jackson our previous dog son of Hugo was the best dog we have ever had also trained by Hilary. Thank you so much Pauline Barry Cheshire

Name: Ceri Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 8 Jan 2019 21:33:22 GMT

Comment: Hi Hillary. Mali is settling in to her new home. Her temprament is wonderful, she is an absolute star. Mali has had many visitors over the weekend & has taken it all in her stride. Following your advice, we have a good routine which works well for us & Mali. Feeding is going well, it massively helps with the transition that you provide the same food as you feed. We are thrilled we done our research, found you & waited. Thank you for your support & trusting us with 1 of your GSDs. See u in June.

Name: Catherine Griffiths Email:
Welcome Page:
Country: WALES  Date: 5 Mar 2019 19:30:51 GMT

Comment: Many thanks, Hilary, for training our German Shepherd, Touka, for the last three weeks. She was very nervous of other dogs and selectively deaf on walks. The difference in her is astonishing. We went for a walk this afternoon with no pulling or lunging at birds or squirrels. I am finding it a steep learning curve to do all the training tips but Touka is like a different dog and I am much relieved.

Name: Isabel Burford Email: 
Welcome Page:
Country: UK  Date: 11 Mar 2019 20:16:54 GMT

Comment: Cloudy is now around 9 months old and is turning out wonderfully. She's been back to Hilary for some training which transformed her and made her much easier to manage - her energy is now more contained and she has a good grasp of basic (and essential) commands. She is sweet, sensitive, funny and kind. She's my third German Shepherd and may turn out to be the best yet.

Name: Pauline Barry Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND   Date: 4 Aug 2019 11:56:19 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary I would just like to say how well and happy Millie our German shepherd is after her recent stay with you. I feel it is worth the four hour trip down for her to enjoy her holiday as much as we do.

Name: michael clark Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: GLAMORGAN  Date: 23 Nov 2019 16:22:15 GMT

Comment: amazing dog from an amazing breeder.

Name: Andrew Sandilands Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 23 Mar 2020 12:53:43 GMT

Comment: Hiya Hillary, as promised here is an update on Rogue (Conquell Zena), who is currently 7 1/2 months old. I can honestly say I couldn’t be happier with our new addition so far, after a short sharp instruction of who’s boss at the beginning due to growling, she has turned in to a lovely dog with a beautiful gentle temperament. Compared to our boy, she’s extremely affectionate and refreshingly easy to train! If we’d had her first, I’d have been pulling my hair out with a young Blaze! (Our boy) Lol

Name: Debbie Burns Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UK  Date: 19 May 2020 18:47:37 GMT

Comment: From the first call to enquire about a puppy to the day we picked our beautiful boy up we have been blown away by the professionalism of Hilary. Our puppy Bear is so calm, intelligent healthy and grounded.. Many fun times ahead but we know we will have all the support and guidance we will ever need to have a happy healthy dog. I've never met anyone with Hilarys knowledge and experience. Hilary has already given us a great head start with practical advice and a brilliant puppy pack and booklet that she has compiled sharing a wealth of advice from her years of experience. Worth the wait.

Name: Karen & Dorian Edwards Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 22 May 2020 10:16:42 GMT

Comment: Have had our 8 week old GSD male puppy for 4 days. What a fantastic little dog. Superb temperament, sleeping through the night and not afraid of noises dogs and people. We can't believe his good nature and receptiveness to training already. He's brilliant and I'm sure I'll still be able to repeat these feelings in 6 months and beyond. Thank you

Name: S. C. Nickson. Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: U.K.  Date: 22 May 2020 21:12:45 GMT

Comment: Thank you Hilary for such a wonderful puppy which we have named Hachi. He's absolutely everything we could have hoped for, especially with such a wonderful temperament. When we had the pleasure to meet you Hilary, we could see straight away that you have a passion for the breed and that you have the breeds best interest at heart, it takes many years to accumulate in depth knowledge of German Shepherds, we were very impressed with your dogs and all had wonderful temperaments. Many thanks Chris xx

Name: Harriet Matichecchia Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UNITED KINGDOM  Date: 26 May 2020 14:46:08 GMT

Comment: Absolutely in love with our girl Pia. We cannot thank Hilary enough. We collected Pia at 8 weeks old from Hilary. Hilary made the process so easy and stayed in contact with us throughout the whole thing sending messages, photos and videos regularly. Our lives will never be the same, we are absolutely in love. Pia is so loving and incredibly clever and we feel this is down to Hilary giving her a great start in life. We honestly can't imagine our life without her. Thank you so much Hilary :) x

Name: Jane Owens Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UK  Date: 31 May 2020 13:07:44 GMT

Comment: Martha, our GSD from Hilary is now 10 weeks old. She's settling in very well and is a quick learner. Hilary provided lots of very helpful information from our first point of contact up to now, and we still remain in touch. Highly recommend Hilary as a breeder! Thank you!

Name: Eric and Tracey Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: ENGLAND  Date: 31 Jan 2021 19:43:38 GMT

Comment: We have just had our first puppy from Hilary. From first contact Hilary was excellent and it was clear that she cares very much about the new homes where her pups go to. We got a comprehensive puppy pack and booklet. Our puppy is wonderful and we are thrilled with him!!! It is obvious that a lot of time has been spent by Hilary to prepare him and he has a lovely temperament.. Hilary is very knowledgeable and always there at the end of the phone for advice. We cant recommend her highly enough

Name: Rebecca Thomas Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 22 Feb 2021 21:52:55 GMT

Comment: Our Collie X puppy start resource guarding at 4 months. This progressed to growling, barking and attempting to bite. We were walking on eggshells especially with the children. Hilary described him as a complex case and after the first week wondered whether there was more. After 3 weeks with Hilary he is a totally different dog. We've had training session and she has given advice and management plans. She has also been at the end of the phone since coming home. Highly recommend

Name: Kevin Henry Email:
Welcome Page:  http://Lararth Ramirez
Country: UK  Date: 26 Apr 2021 09:07:02 GMT

Comment: Thanks to Hillary having an amazing stud dog Larath Ramirez I am a very proud owner of a gsd.My boy Ruben has outstanding markings and has the most wonderful temperament I have ever known in a dog. At the time I wanted to purchase a dog Hillary did not have a litter but in finding one produced by one of her outstanding stud dogs I was able to find one with the Conquell lines in him which I definitely think is why I now own such an outstanding dog. If you are looking please be patient and wait for a Conquell gsd and you will not be disappointed. Many thanks again to Hillary.

Name: Michael & Morgan Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UNITED KINGDOM  Date: 4 May 2021 19:57:56 GMT

Comment: We got our German Shepard dog from Hilary February 2021, you can tell he's a great example of the breed and that she obviously puts a lot of love & work into raising her puppies.Hilary also provided very comprehensive paperwork which includes a 30+ page book with everything you need to know. She has also remained in touch since picking up our puppy and continues to provide invaluable support. We would highly recommend Hilary!

Name: Susan & George Hughes Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 8 May 2021 13:14:24 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary at Conquell GSD. We have been absolutely delighted with our experience in acquiring our lovely puppy Amber. You have been so helpful and professional throughout, since we first contacted you 8 months ago and your Puppy Booklet is brilliant. Amber has a super temperament and has already made herself at home with us and gets on wonderfully well with old border collie. Thank you!

Name: Stephanie Gillespie Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UNITED KINGDOM  Date: 16 May 2021 10:39:17 GMT

Comment: We bought a lovely GSD pup Axel from Hilary two weeks ago. He's extremely confident and has a perfect temperament however we had some issues with nipping. Hilary kindly offered for us to come up and spend some time with her, after showing us how to correct him effectively and different methods for showing him our leadership he's a different puppy and the nipping has stopped! Thank you so much Hilary!

Welcome Page:
Country: UNITED KINGDOM  Date: 5 Jun 2021 20:55:26 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, It's been 4 unbelievable weeks since we picked up Scooby our GSD pup. He's settled brilliantly, no surprise given your 40 years' experience. You've responded to every question and query no matter how small or (silly!). The chat group for everyone has been fantastic to keep in touch, get to know everyone and their pups, share photos, videos & stories. Once again, many thanks for your unstinting support, without which I can honestly say we would be lost! Best wishes, Ramnik & Family

Name: Hilary Rudge Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UNITED KINGDOM  Date: 27 Aug 2021 09:17:07 GMT

Comment: Very many thanks Hilary for putting Tristan through the most thorough and kind boot camp! He (and I) have learnt so much and I am now looking forward to continuing the hard work, you have already put in, with confidence to ensure I have a young dog that is well rounded and that we can both respect each other and have a long and happy life together. Thanks again for your expertise.

Name: Vicki and Iain Watson Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: UNITED KINGDOM  Date: 14 Dec 2021 17:15:32 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, thank you so much for your time and advice even before the litter was born and throughout the 8 weeks since. All the adult dogs were friendly and confident when we first met despite the pouring rain! The Whatsapp group was a useful way of staying in contact and the handover and paperwork was very professional. Needless to say we are delighted with our 8 week old GSD puppy Sophie. Keep up the good work.

Name: Nick Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 20 Dec 2021 10:36:34 GMT

Comment: Ryker has settled in well after a few days. He has an excellent temperament which is expected coming from Conquell and is quickly turning into a good looking chap. He is socializing well and is adored by everyone he meets. I Would always recommend "Conquell" to anyone looking for a GSD, this now being my 3rd. Have always kept in touch with Hilary, knowing I can contact her anytime for advise/help. Somewhere for doggy holidays - many thanks for all your help.

Name: Alisha Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country: WALES  Date: 10 Jan 2022 21:49:40 GMT

Comment: We bought our beautiful GSD Pasha from Hilary in 2019, she is the most amazing dog, she really is perfect in every way! Everyone comments on her aesthetics. I couldn’t thank Hilary enough for all the advice and guidance we have received, and the constant support. Hilary is very professional, helpful and has so much pride with all her dogs. Her knowledge is second to none. Thank you so much Hilary for everything you do, and for our beautiful GSD who means the world to us. You are amazing. Xxx

Name: Susan Reed Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 20 Apr 2022 12:45:39 GMT

Comment: Thank you once again Hilary for my new pup Lily, she is adorable, has settled in really quickly and quite a character. I would recommend your German Shepherd pups to anyone.

Name: Susan Reed Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 12 May 2022 13:10:28 GMT

Comment: Thank you for another wonderful puppy Hilary. Lily has settled really well and is growing into quite a character.

Name: Frances Boucher Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 19 Jul 2022 12:25:26 GMT

Comment: I feel so lucky to have seen into the wonderful world of Hilary and her beautiful dogs.She is an inspiration, someone I had never expected to meet after loosing my dear old GSD of 14 years.Her dogs are so loved and cared for, they have the most lovely temperaments.Our new Conquell puppy is trying so hard to please, we love her very much.The booklet supplied is extremely helpful, and I know I can always seek help if needed.Hilary loves her dogs and they certainly are her life.I will always want to stay in touch with her.Thank you Hilary for bringing the joy of a GSD back into my life.

Name: Stacey Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 27 Jul 2022 07:31:24 GMT

Comment: Absolutely in love with my German Shepherd pup from Conquell. Hilary was so helpful in the lead up to collecting the pup, making sure we were as prepared as we could be in the best interest of both pup and owner and has been on hand for advice if needed! Our pup was already well mannered, clean and sociable. She settled in at home very quickly and is just beautiful! Thank you so much Hilary!

Name: Catherine Parker Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 27 Jul 2022 07:47:43 GMT

Comment: Got a superb GSD puppy off Hilary at Conquell. The advice and support given by Hilary upon taking a new puppy home is invaluable. Her years of experience are such a help. Thank you Hilary for letting me have a very special and treasured girl.

Name: Wendy Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 31 Jul 2022 18:35:48 GMT

Comment: Hilary I have to say a massive thank you, for once again, breeding amazing German Shepherd pups. Lucy, our second Gsd from you, is just as amazing as Jess was. Her temperament is amazing, as usual for your pups. She loves children, other animals and, at only 10 weeks old, is so intelligent! She understands everything and can already come back when called, can 'sit' go 'down', knows 'leave' (which we tend to use a lot. Haha) and is doing really well on the lead. Thank you also for all your continued support through the lifespan of our last girlie from you, and all your advice and help with our new puppy now. You are a true professional and really 'know your stuff!'. We always feel like we're part of a family when we purchase one of your shepherds as we know you're always there when we need any help or advice, however small it may be. Many thanks , please don't ever retire, as there's no-one else we'd want to go to for our Gsd. Thank you, Love Wendy, Patrick and 'Lucy' xx

Name: Linda Pirie Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 9 Sep 2022 10:20:19 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, I wanted to give you a little personal update about Blossom who is now 16 weeks. I/ we are just so thrilled with her. She is lovely. We go to training twice a week and she is a little star, so clever and she learns so quickly. The trainers are always complementing me/ asking where I got her/ or one said, not to turn my back or she might steal her. I only work with her on obedience/ tricks for ten/ fifteen minutes twice or three times a day. However, the rest of the day is just learning and playing experiences on a general scale. Not pulling on the lead, not dashing out doors, sitting nicely in my friend’s pub/ walking nicely past the hundreds of school children from the school nearby and following me off lead on the Seven Arches (car free nature area at the back of our house.) She “stuffs up” sometimes like all puppies. Wanting to over greet other dogs and people but she’s working on it and the signs are promising. She sometimes gives our other dog, Bree, a hard time, but gets put in her place by Bree. They like each other, though, and are both fast asleep at my feet as we speak. She challenged me a couple of times a few weeks ago and I did as you said twice, and, so far, she has decided not to try it again. If she does, I’ll simply do the same again. She still has puppy zoomies in the garden in the evening, but she’s just having fun. I have had compliments about her looks since I got her. Although she’s mine, you bred her, so I can say she’s very beautiful. Quite stunning. People stop to tell me she’s gorgeous all the time. One man stopped his car the other day simply to tell me she was the most gorgeous puppy he’d seen. I’m sorry this is so long but I wanted you to know how happy we are with her. You picked her for me, and sometimes fate lends a hand, because who knows? I might not have picked her. She’s ours/mine and she’s fantastic. She’s not perfect, still sometimes a crazy puppy but I have a feeling we’re on a good journey. I’m very proud of her. Thank you for Blossom and lots of happy, sometimes challenging, fun days. With all best wishes,

Name: Dr & Mrs Sawczyn Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 23 Mar 2023 17:12:03 GMT

Comment: We brought our 14 month old German Shepherd back to Hilary for a residential stay along with some behavioural training. Iggy is an especially handsome German Shepherd and has a wonderful temperament, however we had been struggling to perfect his lead work and excitable/ boisterous behaviours when out walking or receiving visitors. Hilary has made tremendous progress in a short period of time, setting expectations with Iggy and preparing us for maintaining this progress with our onwards training. Additionally Iggy has enjoyed his holiday in the Welsh countryside and it is lovely to see how well he has socialised with other dogs on site. Thanks Hilary for our gorgeous family pet, and the progress you've made in managing Iggy.

Name: Graham H Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 27 Jun 2023 18:44:28 GMT

Comment: After much research we elected to get in contact with Hilary regarding our first German Shepard and how glad we are. We found the idea of parenting a GSD a little daunting and where somewhat apprehensive, but following discussions with Hilary we where re-assured and confident enough to proceed. Jax is now 10 weeks old and has quickly settled in to life at his new home. He has already demonstrated a fantastic temperament both around people (family, friends and complete strangers) and other dogs. He is an attentive and intelligent puppy who is keen to please, and is already responsive to a number of commands. Hilary has continued to support us through the initial stages with advice and I am sure we will continue to call on her expertise going forward - we are very grateful - thank you so much!

Name: Liz Hayes Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 6 Aug 2023 20:25:34 GMT

Comment: We are absolutely thrilled with our male German shepherd Simba who is now 16 weeks old. He has an amazing temperament, he is very affectionate and well behaved. He sleeps through the night in his crate and has been “clean” from day one. He is great with people and other dogs and has bonded with our family. Hilary has always been on hand to give excellent advice. We highly recommend Conquell dogs and Hilary to anybody looking for a well balanced German Shepherd. Liz and Mike (Cardiff)

Name: Rob Salter Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 6 Aug 2023 20:29:16 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, just wanted to say a massive Thankyou for our Harley. Beautiful temperament, intelligent and so handsome. We feel very privileged to have a Conquell GSD puppy and he is a credit to you!

Name: Maris Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 8 Jan 2024 21:15:44 GMT

Comment: I got a puppy from Zoe and Edmond's litter born in April 2023. He is beautiful inside and out. A stunning boy with a gorgeous temperament who has excelled with his training. He loves everyone and other dogs and lives with our cat so nicely too. The temperament of Hilary's Conquell shepherds is wonderful. She makes sure they have such a good start both physically and mentally which really shows. I will definitely be back for another baby in not too distant future - cannot wait to have another Conquell baby. Thank you so much Hilary

Name: Aarti Singh Email: 
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 14 Feb 2024 20:45:11 GMT

Comment: A massive thank you to Hilary for our GSD puppy. We are so delighted with our puppy, he’s absolutely gorgeous. He is so well desensitised and social and has such a lovely temperament. The fact that he settled so well in his new home straightaway is a testimony to the beautiful breeding and careful upbringing by Hilary. From the very first contact with Hilary, we could tell we were in good hands, she was so knowledgeable about the gsds and we received so many great tips and advice from Hilary. Hilary also helped us with valuable advice after we got home and we wouldn’t have got to such a brilliant start without Hilary’s help. Anyone looking for a GSD should look no further, Hilary has a wealth of experience in breeding such beautiful and amazing gsds. Thanks again Hilary.

Name: Jane Wood Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 9 Apr 2024 17:24:28 GMT

Comment: I can only re-iterate everything that’s been said before - beautiful dogs and lovely temperaments. Hilary could not be more helpful to new owners, she is always willing to spend time and answer any questions you might have

Name: ann Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 23 Apr 2024 15:24:21 GMT

Comment: Philip is 10 weeks old now and what a puppy he is! Settled in straight away. Already knows sit down come and "it's mine!" Plays with his toys and tells me when he wants to go out. Had a few little accidents but that's mainly been my fault.His ears are trying to stand up although the right one is a little bit lazier than the left.My home and garden are scattered with his toys but who cares!He eats all his meals with relish and is growing rapidly. Soon be a big boy.Can hardly wait for him to have his second lot of vaccinations so we can get out to the beach for walks. He's met lots of people already and we're going to puppy play group as soon as he can go out.I'm sure he'll grow up to be just as popular and loved by every one as my last gsd also one of Hilary's breeding. Will keep updating his progress

Name: Rachael Corrid Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 18 May 2024 21:42:28 GMT

Comment: Just want to say a massive thank you to hilary for breeding such wonderful dogs - My Sadie was born aug 2022 out of Eric & Brugi and she is just wonderful, fabulous temperament, very good to train, she gets compliments where ever she goes and is just so beautiful. She is my shadow and just loves life so much!

Name: Michelle Hancock Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 18 Jul 2024 13:05:35 GMT

Comment: Hi Hilary, our pup is now 7 months old and is from Brugi and Eric and is an absolute credit to your breeding. Where ever we take her people comment on how wonderful her temperamant is, how calm and good natured she is and obviously how good looking she is. Evie is a pleasure to have and I'm grateful to you for allowing us to have one of your puppies. Thank you again Hilary

Name: Maris Email:
Welcome Page: 
Country:   Date: 11 Nov 2024 12:40:46 GMT

Comment: Our Conquell boy is now 19 months and he continues to be such a joy. Hilary gives them such a good start and it is still showing even through adolescence! He is beautiful inside and out, loves everyone and other animals including our cats, guinea pigs, horses, and our surrounding sheep and cows. So many people have commented what a gorgeous looking boy he is when we are out and many of them have been GSD people themselves who always seem to gravitate towards him. He is the perfect balance of loyal family companion, stamina when he needs it and sensible alertness. He could have done anything and is one of the most switched on intelligent shepherds I have owned. He is everything a GSD should be and I cannot wait to have another of Hilary's babies in the future - they really are amazing well adjusted dogs.

Name: Sarah Edwards Email:
Welcome Page:  https://
Country:   Date: 10 Mar 2025 10:31:38 GMT

Comment: Just picked up my 5th GSD from Hilary. Ted is absolutely amazing. Thankyou Hilary for another beautiful puppy, he is already settling in well. Thankyou for my others too that I've had over the years, they were all brilliant, had great temperments and were a joy to own, they were great with my children and then my grandchildren. Can't wait for Ted to be able to explore the outside. It was lovely to see all of the pups, and the Pugs too. Can definitely recommend Hilary as GSD breeder, she really cares about the breed. She is always there if you need any help or advice too. Wonderful person.

Name: Clarice Email: 
Welcome Page:  https://
Country:   Date: 10 Mar 2025 18:38:34 GMT

Comment: Cookie came home a week ago and brought us an immense amount of joy! She is now 9 weeks old and is so calm, well behaved and healthy. Her temperament is amazing and she is so quick to learn new things. We took her to the vet today and she was really impressed about how healthy, clever and well-mannered Cookie is. Cookie definitely make us live every moment and is now the primary school attraction, with a queue of children to pet her every day! Hilary is magic with her dogs!! They come ready for the family and are really well behaved and healthy, ready to learn and to become an active family member. I couldn't recommend Conquell more!

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